
Volunteering in Human Rights Education 

Timespan:August 2011 – December 2011 
Donor:Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) 
Applicant:Local Democracy Agency Mostar
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Volunteering in Human Rights Education 

Timespan: August 2011 – December 2011

Donor: EACEA “Youth in Action” Programme, Co-operation with the EU neighbouring countries

Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar)

Partneri: Associazione TDM 2000 (Italy); ASOCIATIA TDM 2000 (Romnia); ANANDA Cooperativa
Cultural (Portugal); Kocaeli Higher Education Group (Turkey); Szimbiózis (Hungary); LDA Osijek (Croatia), LDA Subotica (Serbia), LDA Albania, LDA Montenegro


Basic idea of the Project is the promotion of inclusion and increase of participation of young people with disabilities in the society and building the future Europe so to raise awareness on importance of mutual understanding and cultural differences for the better life of young people as European citizens. We also wish to emphasise the fact that voluntary contribution of certain individuals, in this case young leaders and
youth in general, can significantly improve the situation of vulnerable groups that are engaged in education and promotion of human rights. For that reason the Project aims at personal development of participants and enables the engagement of human resources educators. The Project has been designed as an intercultural course on human rights, and it implies education for the young leaders that work with young people or on theactivation of young people who wish to further work on self-development in the working with youth sector.

The training aimed at preparing young people for planning and initiation of activities related to education on human rights, especially within the Youth in Action Programme. The Project is directed towards building the bridges between the project partners and other organisations that are active in the field of promotion of
education on human rights and with that, encouragement of co-operation between non-governmental organisations.

Activities realised in 2011:

Training on the subject of “Volunteering Through Education on Human Rights”. In November 2011, seven-day training was held in Mostar. With the support of 10 partner organisations, participation of 30 participants from BiH, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Portugal was
secured. The training participants gained new knowledge and skills relevant for working with young people with the aim of their learning about the importance of respecting the rights of others. While working on development of strategy and activities for suppression of racism, xenophobia, discrimination and gender form of disrespect, the Project empowered young leaders. The participants were introduced to different manuals on human rights and they also talked about the best way to use them and adjust them to the local context and reality.