

LDA Mostar publications

YAMNFL2 – Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih – faza 2



DiSPLAY – Digitalna ozbiljna igra za razvoj poslovnih ideja mladih
  1. Digital LEGO Serious Play priručnik o metodologiji
REST_ART – Podizanje održivosti okoliša kroz umjetnost
  1. Bilten br.1
PIROUETTE – Performativne umjetnosti za angažman mladih i regeneraciju zajednice
  1. Nacionalni izvještaj o istraživanju sproveden od Konzorcija projekta
  2. Format za trening o korištenju uličnih umjetnostima u neformalnom obrazovanju
  3. Toolkit – ”Angažman mladih u lokalnim zajednicama putem uličnih umjetnosti”
Projekt Mostar – Prostori koji pokreću
  1. Samoprocjena kapaciteta Grada Mostara temeljena na dvanaest principa dobre lokalne samouprave u usporedbi sa stajalištima građanki i građana Mostara (bosanski)
  2. Samoprocjena kapaciteta Grada Mostara temeljena na dvanaest principa dobre lokalne samouprave u usporedbi sa stajalištima građanki i građana Mostara (hrvatski)
  3. Samoprocjena kapaciteta Grada Mostara bazirana na dvanaest principa dobre lokalne samouprave u poređenju sa stajalištima građanki i građana Mostara (srpski)
BTT – Iznad priča
  1. KNJIGA “Iznad priča”– priče mladih o klimatskim promjenama i migracijama
YECW – Osnažimo mlade da mijenjaju svijet
  1. Završni Manual projekta “Osnažimo mlade da mijenjaju svijet” (YECW)
LINK za saradnju/suradnju – Jačanje lokalnog učešća i saradnje kroz partnerstvo javnih vlasti i OCD u Bosni i Hercegovini 

    BILTEN br. 1

    BILTEN br. 2

    BILTEN br. 3

    BILTEN br. 4

    BILTEN br. 5

    BILTEN br. 6




    PUBLIKACIJA ”ELoGE u Bosni i Hercegovini – Rezultati i preporuke” (BOS)

    PUBLIKACIJA ”ELoGE u Bosni i Hercegovini – Rezultati i preporuke” (HRV)

    PUBLIKACIJA ”ELoGE u Bosni i Hercegovini – Rezultati i preporuke” (SRB)

    PUBLIKACIJA ”Priče koje oblikuju zajednice” 

YAMNFL – Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning
    1. YAMNFL PUBLICATION – Research on Recognition and Validation of Non-Formal Learning in European Union, Western Balkans and Turkey 
    2. Catalogue of Inspiring Stories about Non-Formal Learning
    3. YAMNFL Toolkit
    4. YAMNFL Recommendations
Capacity building, support to the local Institutions and contribution to the economic development of the renewable energy, environment sustainability, forest management, promotion of micro and small enterprises in three BiH municipalities
  1. Territorial Analysis of Donja Mahala Focusing on Environmental Protection_July, 2019

IMPACT – Inclusion Matters! Using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance

  1. Bosnia and Herzegovina in migration process and the positive impact of the IMPACT
CLINK – Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe
  1. CLINK leaflet
  2. CLINK Recommendations – Conference in Normandy
  3. Pop-up Galleries Overview
  4. CLINK – Collection of Best Practices – International Event Knjazevac
  5. Community Forums Overwiew
  6. Research in the communities – Vlora (Albania) – document 1
  7. Research in the communities – Vlora (Albania) – document 2
  8. Research in the communities – Vlora (Albania) – document 3
  9. Research in the communities – Knjazevac (Serbia)
  10. Research in the communities – Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  11. Research in the communities – Niksic (Montenegro)
  12. Research in the communities – Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  13. Research in the communities – Heraklion (Greece) – document 1
  14. Research in the communities – Heraklion (Greece) – document 2
  15. Research in the communities  – Sisak (Croatia) – document 1
  16. Research in the communities  – Sisak (Croatia) – document 2
  17. Research in the communities- Subotica (Serbia)
  18. Research in the communities – Zavidovici (Bosna i Hercegovina)
  19. Statement – Final International Event, Online (organized by LDA Mostar), 2020
Capacity building, support to the local Institutions and contribution to the economic development of the renewable energy, environment sustainability, forest management, promotion of micro and small enterprises in three BiH municipalities
  1. Territorial Analysis of Donja Mahala Focusing on Environmental Protection_July, 2019
Regional YOUTH COMPACT for Europe
  1. Leaflet – Regional Youth Compact for Europe
  2. Newsletter No 1
  3. Newsletter No 2
  4. Newsletter No 3
  5. Newsletter No 4
  6. Newsletter No 5
  7. Newsletter No 6
  8. Newsletter No 7
  9. Newsletter No 8 
  10. COMPARATIVE STUDY – CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: Involvement in the EU Accession Negotiation and EU Integration Processes from Initiatives to a Structured Dialogue 
Snapshots from the Borders – Small towns facing the global challenges of Agenda 2030
  1. Migration at the borders – Global report of the participative investigation on migration in 20 border territories in Europe
Volunteer Management in Europe’s Youth sector
Balkan Kaleidoscope
  2. Balkan Kaleidoscope – final report
WomCom – Women’s Communication for Solidarity
  1. WomCom Infographic
  2. WomCom – Activities Overview
INCOME – INovating CO-working Methods through Exchange
  1. INCOME Infographic
URGENT – Urban Re-Generation: European Network of Towns
  1. URGENT – Infographic
  2. URGENT – Događaji organizirani u sklopu projekta (PREVESTI)
  3. URGENT – Handbook
  4. URGENT – City manifesto
Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue
  1. Leaflet – Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue 
  2. INFOGRAPHIC – Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue 
  3. No 1 (newsletter 2015)
  4. No 2
  5. No 3
  6. No 4
  7. No1 (newsletter 2016)
  8. No2
  9. No3
  10. No4
  11. No1 (newsletter 2017)
  12. No2
  13. No3
  14. No1 (newsletter 2018)
  15. No2
  16. No3
  17. “Policy and Legislative Framework for Youth Participation in the Balkans”, Comparative Overview and Analysis (2015)
  18. “Youth Mobility in the Western Balkans the present challenges and future perspectives”, Comparative Overview and Analysis (2016)
  19. “Youth Cultural Participation in the Balkans”, Research study (2017)
  20. ”Youth in the Balkans: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, Serbia, North Macedonia Comparative Analysis and Practice (2018)
  21. ”Youth Leadership Guide”, concepts and practices of the youth participation (2018.)
  22. ”Civil Society and Youth Engagement in the Western Balkans”, Ardita Vejseli, Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans (2019.)
Speed Date a Politician

Transcript of answers to 36 key questions asked by young people to the representatives of the political parties in the city of Mostar read HERE

Strengthening accountability of women and young political leaders in BiH – the role of woman in public and political life

Here you can read on Project’s Brochure

Improvement of local government services in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  1. A report from the municipality of Jablanica
  2. A report from the municipality of Konjic
  3. A report for the City of Mostar
Promotion of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life

European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life

Civil society in action for dialogue and partnership
  1. Newsletter no.1
  2. Newsletter no.2
  3. Newsletter no.3
  4. Newsletter no.4
  5. Newsletter no. 5
  6. Newsletter no. 6
  7. Newsletter no. 7(english version)

Handbook “Challenges and Prospects for Effective Co-operation between Government and Civil sectors in BiH and the region ”


Councillor – Citizen
  1. Activity Report 2009
  2. Activity Report 2010
  3. Activity Report 2011. 
Establishing Resource Centre for Democracy (RCD) in Mostar

Quick guidelines for citizens on human rights