
WomCom – Women’s Communication for Solidarity

Timespan:01/09/2017 - 01/03/2019
Donor:European Commission (Erasmus+ program - KA2 Western Balkan Youth Window)
Aplikant:Cultural Centre Grocka (Belgrade/Serbia)
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WomCom - Women's Communication for Solidarity

Timespan: 01/09/2017 – 01/03/2019

Donor: European Commission (Erasmus + program – KA2 -Western Balkans Youth Window)

Applicant: Cultural Center Grocka (Belgrade, Serbia)

Partners: GEA Coop Sociale (Italy); Association of women Sandglass – women’s Association Hourglass (Serbia), The European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA (France), LDA Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Trim Vrboska – Association for the promotion of sustainable development on the island (Croatia)

Overall objective: increasing the capacity of young women in rural areas of the Western Balkans in order to achieve progress in equal opportunities.

Specific objective(s):
• building international solidarity between young women from rural communities of the Western Balkans and European urban communities through connecting and networking;
• improving the capacity of young workers who facilitate and support the social communication of young women;
• developing the skills of assertive communication and artistic young women to express their opinion and create an active influence in their communities;
• increase interest and knowledge among young women in rural areas of the Western Balkans on European policies on gender equality and inclusion;
• justify the celebration of the International Day of Rural Women in the communities involved in the project.

Target Groups: young women from the West Balkans rural areas, Roma women, migrant women…


WomCom Infographic

WomCom – Activities Overview

Video Guide: ”Remember”