
Exhibition of graffiti artist Stefano Paggani – Invitation


Street Arts Festival Mostar and Local Democracy Agency Mostar, with the support of the German Embassy in Sarajevo, are inviting you to the Event that will officially close one chapter of this year's Festival.

“Everything will be fine”, is the name of the Exhibition of graffiti artist Stefano Paggani – Ouchgrafix Urban art from Berlin, that will open on Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 19:00 in OKC Abrasevic (Mostar).

This event will be followed with music program performed by the bass collection Jah Forcefield from Sarajevo.

Stefano Paganni aka SubO is a Berlin artist who has lived and worked in Berlin for 30 years. His art is recognizable and often very present on the streets of this metropolis of street art. He came to Mostar for the first time in 2017, where his mark was left in the form of graffiti on the walls of the Tekija settlement and in the Children's Home. Three years later, Stefano presents to Mostar an exhibition of his works created in the last few years, with a characteristic Oki-Doki character that is slowly becoming the alias of this skilful graffiti artist. Oki-Doki is a fictional character, a counterpart on everyday life situations from urban areas.


Street Arts Festival Mostar i Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar uz podršku Njemačka Ambasada Sarajevo predstavljaju događaj kojim će se zvanično zatvoriti jedno poglavlje ovogodišnjeg Festivala.

„Everything will be ok“, naziv je izložbe grafiti umjetnika Stefano Paggani –Ouchgrafix Urban art iz Berlina, koja će biti otvorena u subotu , 19.09. 2020. u 19:00 sati u OKC Abraševć .

Događaj će upotpuniti i muzički program u izvedbi bass kolektiva Jah Forcefield iz Sarajeva.

Stefano Paganni aka SubO je berlinski umjetnik koji živi i radi u Berlinu već 30 godina . Njegova umjetnost je prepoznatljiva i često vrlo prisutna na ulicama ove metropole ulične umjetnosti. U Mostar je došao prvi put 2017. godine gdje je svoj trag ostavio u obliku grafita na zidu naselja Tekija i u Dječijem domu. Tri godine kasnije Stefano Mostaru poklanja izložbu svojih radova nastalih u posljednjih nekoliko godina, sa karakterističnim Oki-Doki karakterom koji polako postaje aliasom ovog spretnog grafitera. Oki-Doki je izmišljeni karakter, komentar na svakodnevne situacije i simpatičan odgovor na pitanja urbane sredine.


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