
BRIDGE – BeRlin cultural Intervention – Differences Grow Equal

Trajanje projekta:15/04/2018 – 15/07/2018
Donator:Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sarajevo (Small Culture Funds / ‘’Kleiner Kulturfonds’’)
Aplikant:LDA Mostar
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BRIDGE - BeRlin cultural Intervention - Differences Grow Equal

BRIDGE – BeRlin cultural Intervention – Differences Grow Equal

Trajanje projekta: 15/04/2018 – 15/07/2018

Donator: Ambasada Federalne Republike Njemačke u Sarajevu (”Mali fondovi za kulturu”)

Aplikant: Agencija za lokalnu demokratiju Mostar (LDA Mostar)

Partner: Street Arts Festival Mostar


Bridge Concept je program kulturne razmijene između umjetnika iz Mostara, Sarajeva, Tuzle i Berlina kroz uličnu umjetnost murala i urbanu muziku. Cilj je povezivanje ova četiri grada kroz realizaciju kulturnih programa i umjetničkih intervencija u javnim prostorima za vrijeme 7. Street Arts Festivala Mostar.


  • Uvezivanje umjetnika i muzičara iz Berlina i Mostara u svrhu buduće saradnje
  • Promocija berlinske ulične umjetnosti i elektronske scene u Mostaru
  • Osnaživanje umjetničkih kulturnih urbanih platformi u Mostaru uz potporu
    umjetnika iz Berlina


Projekt je predvidio dvije aktivnosti koje su implementirane za vrijeme Sedmog Street Arts Festivala Mostar: oslikavanje murala i jedan muzički događaj. U skladu s prethodno navedenim, jedan od najpriznatijih apstraktnih uličnih umjetnika iz Berlina, Johannes Mudinger, oslikao je mural na jednoj od gradskih zgrada dajući tako doprinos razvoju scene ulične umjetnosti Mostara. Mudinger je također posjetio dom za nezbrinutu djecu u Mostaru gdje je održao radionicu o oslikavanju zidova s djecom. Druga aktivnost u sklopu projekta bio je performans DJ Andre Schonea iz Berlina u saradnji s lokalnim DJ-evima, a u okviru ‘’StreetArtura Vinyl Box’’, događaja koji je bio sastavni dio programa 7. Street Arts Festivala Mostar. Ovaj događaj bio je jednodnevni konceptualni program koji je među ostalim uključivao i DJ radionicu za
mlade. Cilj ovog programa i njegovih aktivnosti bio je osnažiti veze među umjetnicima Mostara i Berlina, te kreirati pozitivne socijalnih reakcije i multikulturne veza među mladima.

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BRIDGE  – BeRlin cultural Intervention – Differences Grow Equal

Timespan: 15/04/2018 – 15/07/2018

Donor: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sarajevo (‘Small Culture Funds” / ”Kleiner Kulturfonds”)

Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar)

Partner: Street Arts Festival Mostar


Bridge Concept is cultural exchange program between artists from Mostar, Sarajevo, Tuzla and Berlin trough street art and music. The idea is to bind these four cities trough the realization of cultural programs and art interventions in public space during the 7th Street Arts Festival Mostar.


  • Networking artists and musicians from Berlin and Mostar for the purpose of future
  • Promotion of Berlin's street art and electronic scene in Mostar
  • Empowering the artistic cultural urban art platform in Mostar with artistic support
    from Berlin


The project envisaged two activities which were implemented within the frame of 7th Street
Arts Festival Mostar: mural panting and one music event. In regard to aforementioned, one of the most recognized abstract street artists from Berlin, Johannes Mudinger, painted a mural on one of the city buildings contributing to the developing street art scene in Mostar. Additionally. Mudinger visited the orphanage in Mostar and held art workshop on wall painting with the children. Another activity within the project was the performance of DJ Andre Schone from Berlin together with local DJ's in the frame of ‘’StreetArtura Vinyl
Box’’ event of the Street Arts Festival Mostar. This event was one day conceptual program including a DJ workshop for youth. The aim of these programs and art actions was to empower relations between artist from Mostar and Berlin, and to create positive social reactions and multicultural connections.

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