

Online Webinar “Turizam u vrijeme krize Covid-19: potencijal za lokalni razvoj”

Dana, 06.11.2020. godine putem Zoom aplikacije održan je Online Webinar o utjecaju Covid-19 panedemije na turizam u Mostaru ali i citavoj Bosni i Hercegovni. Webinar predvođen Agencijom lokalne demokratije Mostar, ugostio je renomirane stručnjake iz oblasti turizma:

-doc. dr. Irma Dedić, Voditeljica Studija turizma Univerziteta Džemal Bijedić u Mostaru,

-Stanislava Borovac, Turistički vodič i interpretator kulturne baštine specijalizirana za avanturističe tematske rute,

-Ramiz Bašić, Viši stručni saradnik Turističke zajednice Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona

Ispred Agencije lokalne demokratije Mostar, izlagala je direktorica agencije Dženana Dedić

Odabirom gore pomenutih panelista, obuhvatili smo učešće akademskog, državnog, privatnog i nevladinog sektora na našem Online Webinaru.

Učesnici Webinara su na taj način mogli steći sveobuhvatan uvid u stanje turizma u gradu Mostaru, HNK/Ž regiji ali i cjelokupnoj BiH a kojem je diretkno naštetila globalna pandemija Covid-19.

Panelisti su kroz svoja izlaganja napravili presjek stanja:

trenutna situacija

prednosti i nedostaci turizma pogođenog Covid-19 pandemijom

potreba za reformiranjem turističkog sektora kroz:

  • uvođenje inovacije i digitalizacije i izbjegavanje dehumanizacije
  • razvoj kongresnog i ruralnog turizma
  • brendiranje lokalne baštine
  • detaljan i sveobuhvatan marketing
  • unificiranje legislative i potreba za kreiranjem jedne krovne institucije na državnom nivou

Ovaj webinar se implementirao u sklopu projekta WB CulTours – Kulturne ture po Zapadnom Balkanu koji ima za cilj unaprijediti regionalnu saradnju i regionalnu koheziju u WB6 kroz kulturološku saradnju i aktivnosti održivog razvoja.

Broj direktnih učesniha: 20

Broj indirektnih učesnika (putem Facebook live): 8



Online Webinar “Tourism in time of Covid-19: Potential for local development”

On November 06, 2020 was organized Online Webinar on the impact of the Covid-19 on tourism in Mostar and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The webinar, led by the Local democracy agency Mostar, hosted renowned experts in the field of tourism:

Mr. Ramiz Basic, Senior Expert Associate of Touristic Community of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton,

-Dr. Irma Dedic, Professor and Head of Faculty of Tourism at Dzemal Bijedic University,

-Mrs. Stanislava Borovac, Professional Tourist Guide and Interpretor of local heritage, specialized in the field of avantouristic routes

On behalf of Local democracy agency Mostar,  director Dzenana Dedic represented its Projects.

By choosing the above-mentioned panelists, we included the participation of the academic, governmental, private and non-governmental sector in Online Webinar discussion.

That way, participants were able to gain a comprehensive insight into the condition of tourism in the city of Mostar, Herzegovina-Neretva region, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole, that was directly afflicted by the global Covid-19 Pandemic.

Throughout presentations, the Panelists demonstrated following:

-current situation in local tourism

-advantages and disadvantages of local tourism affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

-necessity to reform the Tourism Sector by:

  • introducing innovation and digitization but in a same way avoiding dehumanization
  • development of congress and rural tourism
  • labeling local heritage/products
  • creating detailed and comprehensive marketing
  • unification of legislation and the need to create an umbrella institution at the State level

This activity was part of Project WB CulTours – Cultural tours in Western Balkans aiming to contribute to regional cooperation and regional cohesion in WB6 through cultural cooperation and activities for sustainable growth.

Number of direct participants: 20

Number of indirect participants (via Facebook live): 8

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