

On December 4th, 𝟱𝟱 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 from 𝟭𝟬 #EU, #WB and #Turkey countries arrived to #Şile, #Istanbul for 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 organized by Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu) within 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗼𝗻-𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 project, financed within Erasmus+ programme. Arrival day was challenging but joyful to all of the participants as...
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My first encounter with North Macedonia I come from Montenegro, a country small in size but large in the beauties of the north and south. I love my country, but travel is my life. I think that a richer man is the one who gains new experiences by visiting various countries rather than the one...
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YAMNFL Catalogue of inspiring stories about non formal education Catalogue of inspiring stories about non formal education collects inspiring stories of young people that, thanks to Non Formal Education, built a personal or professional path, identifying their way to arrive there and how did they manage to make it important for their future. Each partner...
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YAMNFL research on recognition and validation of non-formal learning in EU, WB and Turkey is finally available One of the specific objectives of our YAMNFL project was to research, collect, analyze and spread existing best practices and policies in the field of validation and recognition of NFL. In that light, each organization, coordinated by the...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” As a part of  “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” research activities, from now on, we will post Interviews with relevant stakeholders discussing topic of Non Formal Learning/Education. First Interview was conducted by LDA Mostar. Our interlocutor was Denis Pajic, dr. sc., Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law, Dzemal...
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How is Non-Formal Learning perceived and ranked in your country – help us find out! As a part of Youth Ambassadors for Non-Formal Learning (YAMNFL) activities, project partners are conducting a research within their respective countries on existing policies related to recognition and validation of Non-Formal Learning (NFL) as well as on successful stories of...
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Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih – početak jedne uzbudljive i  izazovne inicijative   Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih je inicijativa za suradnju koju je pokrenulo 11 organizacija civilnog društva iz EU-a, Zapadnog Balkana i Turske, a koja ima za cilj promicanje sudjelovanja u aktivnostima neformalnog obrazovanja i snagu validacije i priznavanja kompetencija stečenih izvan formalnog...
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Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning – the beginning of an exciting and challenging initiative   Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning is a cooperation initiative launched by 11 CSOs from the EU, Western Balkans and Turkey which aims at promoting participation in Non-Formal Education activities and the power of validation and recognition of competences acquired outside the...
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LDA Mostar

Aktivnosti LDA Mostar fokusirane su na kreiranje aktivnog građanstva s jedne,  te transparentnih i odgovornih vlasti s druge strane,  s krajnjim ciljem uspostavljanja modernog i demokratskog društva.