Focus Group
Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning”
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Facilitator: LDA Mostar
Date and location: July, 10, 2020 Mostar
Number of participants: 8
List of questions for Focus Group
- Do you think for NFE is important age, gender, nationality?
All of participants agreed that those components are not important for NFE but they think that person should involve NFE in early stage of their lives because they see NFE as long-term process.
- What does NFE mean to you? Can you define?
-knowledge gained beyond formal education
-concrete actions, informations and experience
-NFE consider less stress and being available to anyone because it's free
-NFE is focused on indivudual approach
-NFE encourages responsability
- Have you ever been a participant in an NFE program? If yes – in which one?
Participants of the focus group took a part in following NFE programs:
-POK Mostar
-OKC Abrasevic (Centre for Youth and Culture)
-Association „Neretva“
-Proni Academy
-Humanity in Action
-Erasmus plus student exchange
-American Corner in Mostar activites
-Active Citizens (British Council)
- Do you know something about Youth Law / Strategy / Action Plan, as well as other documents related to youth?
Only two of participants were familiar with Youth Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Participants generally think that there are no benefits from Youth Laws because they do not follow what are real needs of youngsters.
- Have you ever participated in the youth decision-making process? If yes, in which one?
One person did partipate in creating Youth Strategic Plan and other person in creating a draft for NGO Law.
- Do you think that more support from the Government is needed to improve the status of young people and in the NFE sphere? If yes, what are the benefits of this, and what are the disadvantages?
Government should be more involved in improvement of the status of youngsters. But, that involvment should be based on cooperation with all relevant stakeholders including Youth Councils and NGOs.
- Does NFE activities help you for your personal development. If yes, how? If not, why?
Every participant did benefit from NFE by getting a chance to do field work and gain more than teoretical knowledge. On the other hand, once included in NFE, almost all participants noticed that they lost interest for formal education.
- For you, why is it important to be involved in activities through non-formal education?
It is important because you gain experience and knowledge. Other benefits include networking, creativity, self-awareness and being more independent as a person.
- Does virus COVID-19 influence on non-formal education and how in your opinion?
Global Pandemic did not influenced on NFE. All participants worked as per usual. Only difference was that it was online work. However huge disadvantages were related to technical issues related to providing internet in rural areas.