
Završena Obuka za mlade na temu “Metodologija istraživanja kroz participativno djelovanje (PAR metodologija)”

🤝👥Uspješno smo realizovali prvi dio Obuke za mlade grada Mostara u sklopu projekta “Osnažimo mlade da mijenjaju svijet” , kojeg sufinancira Evropska Unija🇪🇺. Obuka je trajala 3 dana u periodu od 📅24.-26.10.2022. i održala se u 📍YOUth HUB (prostorije LDA Mostar).

Obuka se sastoji iz 2️⃣ dijela, gdje u prvom dijelu obuke ,koji je trajao tri dana, ukupno 👥20 mladih su učestvovali i edukovali se o Metodologiji istraživanja kroz participativno djelovanje (PAR Metodologija).
U prvom danu obuke mladi su imali priliku upoznati se malo više sa načinom i vrstama istraživanja i to sve putem PAR metodologije.
Drugi dan su imali priliku baviti se ciljevima istraživanja i istraživačkim pitanjem, kao i koji su to problemi koji utiču na naše društvo na lokalnom i na regionalnom nivou. Pored toga, su obučeni koje vrste istraživanja i metode prikupljanja podataka postoje kako bi bolje pristupili nekom problemu.
Završni dan obuke se bazirao na detaljno prezentovanje metoda prikupljanja podataka i planiranje istraživanja i vremenski tok.
🎯𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐧𝐢 𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐣 obuke je podržati i osvijestiti mlade da budu kompetentni 🧑‍💻istraživači 𝐏𝐀𝐑 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐣𝐞 sa vještinama i znanjem za implementaciju PAR-a na lokalnom i regionalnom nivou. Ova obuka će osposobiti i unaprijediti znanje budućih istraživača o PAR metodologiji i načinu na koji rade sve istraživačke korake.

👥We successfully implemented the first part of the Training for the youth of the city of Mostar as part of the project “Youth Empowered to Change the World”, which is co-financed by the European Union🇪🇺. The training lasted 3 days in the period from 📅 24.-26.10.2022. and took place in the YOUth HUB (premises of LDA Mostar).

The training itself consists of 2️⃣ parts, where in the first part of the training, which lasted for three days, a total of 20 young people participated and were educated about Participatory Action Research Methodology (PAR Methodology).

On the first day of training, young people had the opportunity to get to know a little more about the way and types of research, all through the PAR methodology.
On the second day, they had the opportunity to deal with the objectives of the research and the research question, as well as what are the problems that affect our society at the local and regional level. In addition, they were trained in what types of research and data collection methods exist in order to better approach a problem.
The final day of the training was based on a detailed presentation of data collection methods and research planning and timeline.

🔎📎The main objective of the training is to support and make young people aware to be competent researchers 📝𝐏𝐀𝐑 Methodology with skills and knowledge for the implementation of PAR at the local and regional level. This training will train and improve the knowledge of future researchers about the PAR methodology and how they do all the research steps.