Comeback of the craft-making culture
The second international event within the project “Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe – CLINK” will take place 12 – 13 September 2019 in Knjazevac, Serbia.
This international gathering focuses on the topic of “Cultural heritage as a source of urban regeneration: comeback of the craft-making culture”.
The event will bring together state and non-state cultural actors, entrepreneurs, craftsmen, young designers and civil society organisations from different countries and communities to share and exchange practices of creative and sustainable use of cultural heritage for social and economic development of communities.
A best practice fair will be organised in order to present examples of using traditional craft work for economic development. More than 80 participants are expected to attend the best practice fair.
The project is implemented by 10 partners from Croatia, France, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, supported through the programme Europe for Citizens of the European Union.