Potaknuti činjenicom da u Mostaru dugi niz godina nisu održani lokalni izbori, te da je njegovim građanima stoga uskraćeno pravo glasanja kao i pravo da se kandidiraju na lokalnim izborima, Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar je 2016. u okviru projektne aktivnosti ”Mladi preuzimaju” došla na ideju organiziranja akcije pod nazivom ”IZBORI se za Mostar”. Ovu ”ad hoc” akciju koja je podrazumijevala organiziranje ”fiktivnih lokalnih izbora” na dan stvarnih lokalnih izbora u ostatku Bosne i Hercegovine, podržala su udruženja građana Mostara koja se bave pitanjima mladih: Vijeće mladih grada Mostara, OKC Abrašević, Udruženje mladih psihologa i Youth Power. Cilj je bio vraćanje osnovnog demokratskog prava građanima Mostara, da biraju i budu birani. Akcija je bila iznimno praćena od strane lokalih i regionalnih medija, te zapažena od strane međunarodne zajednice i stranih predstavništava u BiH. Izostanak reakcije je bio evidentan kada je riječ o političkim akterima i vodećim političkim opcijama u BiH.
S vremenom je ova inicijativa prerasla u koaliciju, te je postala platforma koja je svojim aktivnostima širila glas obespravljenih građana. U periodu od 2016. do 2020. godine, naše aktivnosti su prepoznate na nacionalnom, ali i internacionalnom nivou, posebno od strane Vijeća Europe što je rezultiralo nizom sastanaka s koalicijom. Vijeće Europe je potaknuto svim prethodno navedenim donijelo odluku o formiranju Grupe za refleksiju za Mostar, te je kroz rad Grupe za refleksiju, a na osnovu niza konzultacija s koalicijom ”IZBORI se za Mostar” 2021. godine počelo s implementacijom projekta “Izgradnja demokratke participacije u Mostaru”.
Četiri godine nakon nastanka naše inicijative ”IZBORI se za Mostar”, Mostarkama i Mostarcima je konačno vraćeno aktivno i pasivno biračko pravo.
U nastavku pogledajte hronologiju naših aktivnosti:
IZBORI se za Mostar
Lokalni izbori u Mostaru i daljnji razvoj događaja
- Lokalni izbori u Mostaru 2020, 15.11.2020.
- Sastanak s gradonačelnikom Grada Mostara, 19.3.2021.
- Projekt ”Razvoj demokratskog učešća u Gradu Mostaru”
- Poziv građanima Mostara da nominuju temu za Skupštinu građana, 10.4.2021.
- Online sastanak s predstavnicima Vijeca Europe – prezentacija istrazivanja o rezultatima Skupstine gradjana Mostara – 04.05.2021.
- Sastanak s Bojanom Urumovom, šeficom Ureda Vijeća Europe u BiH i Damjanom Jugovićem, projektnim službenikom Vijeća Europe, 9.6.2021.
- Sastanak s 4 komisije Vijeća Grada Mostara, 16.6.2021.
- LDA Mostar dio Nadzornog tima Projekta “Razvoj demokratskog ucesca u Gradu Mostaru” – objava, 20.5.2021.
- LDA Mostar dio Nadzornog tima za Skupstine građana Mostara organizirane u okviru projekta Vijeća Europe „Razvoj demokratskog ucesca u Gradu Mostaru” – publikacija
- Sastanak Nadzornog tima projekta ”Razvoj demokratskog ucesca u Gradu Mostaru” – 25.06.2021.
- Odabrane učesnice i učesnici Skupštine građana Mostara, 29.6.2021.
- Održana prva Skupština građana Mostara, 10.7.2021.
- Definirane preliminarne preporuke Skupstine građana Mostara, 24.7.2021.
- Finalne preporuke Skupstine gradjana Mostara
- Akcijski plan za provedbu preporuka Skupstine građana Mostara
- Sastanak predstavnika LDA Mostar s Marite Moras, seficom Odjela za suradnju i vanjske odnose Kongresa lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti Vijeća Europe, i Damjanom Jugovićem, projektnim službenikom projekta „Razvoj demokratskog ucesca u Gradu Mostaru“, 16.7.2021.
- Gradsko vijece Grada Mostara usvojilo preporuke Skupstine gradjana Mostara, 16.11.2021.
- Akcijski plan Vijeca Europe 2022-2025 spominje LDA Mostar kao jednog od kljucnih partnera u Bosni i Hercegovini, 17.11.2021.
- Vijece Europe pocinje s implementacijom projekta ”Inoviranje demokratskog učešća na lokalnom nivou u Bosni i Hercegovini”, januar/sijecanj, 2022.
- Obracanje Gradonacelnika Mostara na 42. sjednici Kongresa lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti Vijeca Europe, 23.3.2022.
Elect Mostar
Encouraged by the fact that local elections were not held in Mostar for many years, and that its citizens were therefore denied the right to vote as well as the right to run in local elections, Local Democracy Agency Mostar came up with an idea in 2016, as part of the “Youth Take Over” project activity, to organize an action called “Elect Mostar”. This “ad hoc” action, which involved organizing “fictitious local elections” on the day of real local elections in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was supported by Mostar CSO's dealing with youth issues: the Youth Council of Mostar, OKC Abrasevic, Association of young psychologists, Elsa Mostar and Youth Power. The goal was to restore the basic democratic right of the citizens of Mostar to vote and to be elected. The action was extremely covered by local and regional media, and noticed by the international community and foreign missions in BiH. The lack of reaction was evident when it came to political actors and leading political options in BiH.
- Elect Mostar (mock elections held in Mostar), October 2, 2016
- Outcomes of the mock elections presented to the public on the press conference, October 3, 2016
- Continuation of the action Elections for Mostar, December 5, 2016
- Workshop ”Lobbying and advocacy campaigns” held in Mostar (financed by CSSP – Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation) December 11, 2016
- Strategic Plan of the Coalition “Elect Mostar” – workshop in Ruište (financed by CSSP – Berlin for Integrative Mediation), July 9-10, 2017
- Path from Mostar to Strasbourg, October 19, 2017
- Public Debate ”Five to Twelve” – organized by Coalition Elect Mostar with young people of Mostar and young politicians (candidates for the upcoming local elections) 18.09.2018.
– 33rd session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of CoE , October 18-20 , 2017
–Council of Europe’s Congress examines the situation in Mostar, October 19, 2017
-Reflection Group on Mostar formally established on 26 March 2018
Series of meetings between the Coalition Elect Mostar and Delegation of Council of Europe resulting with the idea of establishing the Citizens’ Assembly in Mostar.
-Meeting 1 – 25.-26.05.2017.
–Meeting 2 – 26.06.2018.
-Meeting 3 – 20.09.2018.
-Meeting 4 – 27.11.2019.
Local Elections in Mostar and further developments
- Local elections in Mostar, November 15, 2020
- Meeting with the mayor of the City of Mostar, March 19, 2021
- Project “Building democratic participation in the City of Mostar”
- Invitation to citizens of Mostar to nominate the topics for the Citizen’s Assembly, April 10, 2021
- Online Meeting with the Council of Europe representatives – presentation of the survey on Citizens’ Assembly results May 4, 2021
- Meeting with Bojana Urumova, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo and Damjan Jugović, project officer, Council of Europe BiH, Jun 9, 2021
- Meeting with 4 Commissions of Council of the City of Mostar, Jun 16, 2021
- LDA Mostar part of the Oversight Team of the Project “Building democratic participation in the City of Mostar” – announcement, May 20, 2021
- LDA Mostar part of Oversight Team for the Citizens’ Assembly in Mostar organized with in the project of the Council of Europe “Building democracy participation in the City of Mostar” – publication
- Meeting of the Oversight Team of the project ”Building democratic participation in the City of Mostar – Jun 25, 2021.
- Participants of the Citizen’s Assembly selected, Jun 29, 2021
- First Citizen’s Assembly held in Mostar, July 10, 2021
- Preliminary recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly of Mostar defined, July 24, 2021
- Final recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly of Mostar
- Action plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly of Mostar
- LDA Mostar representatives meeting with Marite Moras, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe, Head of Unit, Co-operation and External Relations Division and Damjan Jugovic, project officer of the “Building democratic participation in the City of Mostar“ project of the Council of Europe, July 16, 2021
- City Council of Mostar adopted the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly of Mostar, November 16, 2021
- Council of Europe Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022-2025 mentions LDA Mostar as one of the crucial partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 17, 2021
- Council of Europe begins with the implementation of the project ”Innovating democratic participation at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, January 2022
- Mayor of Mostar addressed at the 42. session of the Congress of the Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, March 23, 2022
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